Albert Sidhom |
Most consumers typically have both a credit card and a debit card. Of course, the biggest difference between the two is that a debit card will immediately take money out of your bank account when used, unlike a credit card, which will pay for the purchase and later add the amount of the transaction to your monthly statement.
Albert Sidhom |
Data breaches, once a fairly rare occurrence, have become more frequent as hackers become more skilled in their ability to extract personal data from popular social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. And while we commonly hear about breaches from these large, global organizations, it’s important to remember that small businesses are just as likely to experience a data breach, meaning your information that is stored at you CPA’s office, your attorney’s office, or your local medical center can be vulnerable to a breach at any time.
Albert Sidhom |
A college education, while a worthy achievement, does not come cheaply. Forbes has estimated that the price of a college education has increased 8 times faster than wages, making it a struggle for even upper middle-class families. When factoring in the cost of tuition along with room and board, books, and living expenses, a college education can quickly become an unaffordable luxury. Unfortunately, this increase in tuition has also led to an increase in student...
Albert Sidhom |
The goal for your saving plan is up to you. Some people enjoy travel or the latest electronics. Others may save for school or a home purchase. While there are a thousand ways to spend your money, there’s only one way to save it — stick to the plan. Specific goals are important, so be sure to define your goal. Once you know how much you need to save, it’s a lot easier to put...
Albert Sidhom |
The Coronavirus pandemic has impacted us more than we could ever have imagined in the beginning of 2020. Students and teachers had to quickly transition to online learning. Many people were laid off and furloughed with no financial backup plan. And now we’re facing the tough decision of whether to send our kids back to school in the fall. If you have a child starting or going back to college, there are so many factors...